Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Self Esteem - Course In Mastery Day 17

Psychologist have shown that self esteem is the most significant facor in success, and the main factor in having self esteem is taking responsibility. What do I currently do well? Self esteem comes from accomplishment and not come from praise, Valeing our little accomplishments encourages us to look for more to achieve and to grown in our achievements.

"Performance is a reflection of value, not a measure of it" Denis Whaitley

Many people think they have to achieve something great before they can value themselves. However, achievers hanf on to a dream and believe they are worthy of success before they win big. Some authority figure, an expert, a valued friend, has seen something great in them before they could see it themselves. Once encouraged a champion builds on that to become more.

"I'm as good as te best and no better than the rest" said Dennis whaitley.
champions have apositive self talk, a diamond in their mind.

"When you have self esteem you can afford to be modest... Self esteem is in the core, not in the skin deep" Dennis Whaitley.

Psychologist have shown that self esteem is the most significant facor in success, and the main factor in having self esteem is taking responsibility. what do I currently do well? Self esteem comes from accomplishment and not come from praise,

"Performance is a relection of value, not a measure of it"
- Dr. Denis Whaitley

Many people think they have to achieve something great before they can value themselves. However, achievers hanf on to a dream and believe they are worthy of success before they win big. Some authority figure, an expert, a valued friend, has seen something great in them before they could see it themselves.

"I'm as good as te best and no better than the rest" said Dennis Whaitley.
champions have apositive self talk, a diamond in their mind.

"When you have self esteem you can afford to be modest...
Self esteem is in the core, not in the skin deep"


garyryanblair said...

Well said. Self esteem is really the key factor when it comes to attaining success. Without it our very existence is endangered.

Brian said...

Thanks Gary, it so essential that we value ourselves sufficiently if we are to value the very existence of our planet and our humanity.
Thanks for your thoughts.