Thursday, December 4, 2008

You cannot know the meaning of your life until you are connected to the power that created you

“You cannot know the meaning of your life until you are connected to the power that created you ….” Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
The above quote may see out of place in a business, and inherently secular forum on financial, and personal achievement. However, many of the success principles in use today are anciently expressed in the religious ideals of history. Early personal development literature in emphasized character and was often entwined with religious principles, even in recent times Investor Sir John Templeton wrote extensively of the religious principles as the basis of business success.
"Science has now confirmed what philosophers, mystics, and other intuitive people have long declared: every human being has been literally "engineered for success" by his Creator. Every human being has access to a power greater than himself" wrote Dr. Maxwell Maltz.
It is true that often religious ideas are diminished as quaint, often because of the misunderstanding by some religionists; however, we must remember that the eternal truths expressed in history were described within the worldview and available knowledge of the time. it was only in the 1920’s that we even knew there were other galaxies. That even led to scientists’, such as Einstein, interpreting measured fact incorrectly until it was known other galaxies existed. Nevertheless, the fundamental laws of the universe remain. In the same way, Philosophies of the past may not completely agree with modern exacting scientific methodology, yet their fundamental truths can often be staggeringly powerful.

Consider the Law of Attraction. Students of success recognize that the law of attraction requires:
1. An omnipresent intelligence, be it in the form of the divine or an impersonal intelligent quantum field.
2. Thought has a creative power to manifest the external reality.
3. Our creative potential is released by gratitude of the present and that total acceptance of the present unlocks our potential to unleash our future.
Most here are familiar with the movie ‘The Secret’ which refers to the emerald Tablet. Also known as Smaragdine Table, Tabula Smaragdina, or The Secret of Hermes it was viewed as a foundation text for European Hermetic Alchemists.
“1. Tis true without lying, certain most true.
2. That wch is below is like that wch is above that wch is above is like yt wch is below to do ye miracles of one only thing.
3. And as all things have been arose from one by ye meditation of one: so all things have their birth from this one thing by adaptation.” (Isaac Newton translation, with original spelling).
Founding ideas such as these that are behind the Law of Attraction can be traced to earliest times and are pronounced clearly in Hinduism and Buddhism, Kabbalah and the divine ecstacy of Rumi. .As religion was a dynamic part of ancient life I will refer to religious texts here, without the intent to proselytize. Nevertheless, I put this warning upfront in respect to the varied sensitivities of our group.
Omni-Present intelligence
Hindu religious thought is based upon the belief in the Ultimate Reality (Brahman of the Upanishads), faith in the reality of the spirit (ãtman), and faith in the spiritual order of the world.
The Ultimate Reality is described by the Vedic phrase "Ekam sat vipraha, bahudha vadanti" or "Truth is one, the wise call It by various names." Ultimate Reality possesses infinite potential, power and intelligence, and therefore cannot be limited by a single name or form. Therefore the ultimate reality is described as having both personal and impersonal aspects.
The impersonal (Nirguna Brahman) has no attributes and is beyond reasoning, thought and conception, is not an object of prayer but the object of meditation and contemplation. However, the personal aspect (Saguna Brahman) is creator, controller and sustainer of the universe, however, being unlimited Saguna Brahman is unable to take only one form and is worshipped via both male and female deities.
In Sanskrit creation, srishtî, means "projecting gross phenomenon from subtle substance" and creation originates from the Ultimate Reality, Brahman. Brahman is potter, the potter’s wheel and the clay. Thus Brahman is the whole universe, animate and inanimate. God abides in all created things and beings.
Since the Ultimate Reality (Brahman) manifests as consciousness (atman) and nature (matter), made possible by the inherent creative energy (maya) of Brahman, then all things animate and inanimate are seen as part of The Ultimate Reality. Creation is seen as part of the Ultimate all-pervasive Divinity in the universe, arising in all things and beings. As the Universe is believed to be divine it is without an absolute beginning or end, but continues in cycles of beginnings and endings. The creative manifestation of Brahman is depicted as a divine sport (lîlã), in which Brahman manifests in diverse forms in the creation, stays in that mode for a time (sustenance), and reverts back to the original state (dissolution). In creation consciousness evolves from lower forms to higher forms of life until it becomes aware of itself in a human body and then seeks release back to the original divinity. This cycle repeats in endless beginnings and endings, expansions and contractions, called Shrishti and Pralaya, ending in a dooms day (Mahapralaya) when all the universe contracts before once again expanding and constituting all the energies of animate and inanimate creation.
Just as the universe is Brahman, an individual is essentially ãtman (literally "God within", soul, spirit, consciousness, the source of intellect and ego) clothed in a physical body. The predominant Hindu view is that the same ãtman dwells in all beings and all humans have a common source and are interconnected.
This reminds me of the law of energy- conservation that states energy cannot be destroyed although it can manifest as either matter or energy. A secular quantum theorist may describe the Hindu view as a paralleling this quantum reality.
The Power of Thought
Of course, Western thought has been influenced by its exposure to the East. It has even been proposed that Hindu or Buddhist ideas existed in ancient Alexandria and ideas such as reincarnation are explored by Pythagoras and Plato. Also some similar ideas are found independent of the east.

Consider the power of thought. As we have already noted, Hinduism linked consciousness with the process of creation.
In modern times, the philosophy that “thoughts are things” is a fundamental truth of the personal development movement. The idea that our thoughts are manifested in our reality, or that man can be a co-creator of his personal experience is easily found in the character development literature of a century ago.
We see that demonstrated by the many examples of mental rehearsal being used by successful athletes, salesmen or inventors. Golfer Jack Nicklaus described how he would rehearse every detail of a stroke, how the ball would land, how far it would roll. Edison believed that ideas were out there fully formed to be picked, as if part of a universal mind ready for the taking.
Writer Iris Murdoch, whose exceptional abilities in the use of English were renowned, added that language is thought. Murdoch emphasized the importance of correct speech because by learning to speak correctly you learn to think correctly. “Silence is indeed the friend and helpmeet of thought and invention; but, if one aims at readiness of speech and beauty of discourse, he will get at them by no other discipline than the study of words, and their constant practice” wrote Gregory Thaumaturgus (The Panegyric of Origin I).
You have probably heard such phrases as ‘the pen is mightier than the sword.’ Obviously this refers to the words written by the pen, rather than the pen itself. We see these practical truths in everyday life.
Even today, the tone of a language has a psychological impact on society. According to Professor Emeritus of Rhetoric at the University of Minnesota, Michael J Bennett, a large body of socio-linguists believes that English speaking nations were more successful because English is psychologically more direct, expansive, competitive and self direct. Whether, you agree with that statement, or not, I think you would agree that language has the power to mold and be molded by its society.
In ancient societies words were seen to carry even greater power.
History proves that the idea of the creative power of thought and language is nothing new. As Western thought developed from a foundation of Judeo-Christian thought and Greek philosophy, let’s see how the power of words were a part of Western history.
“In Jewish thought a word was more than a sound expressing a meaning; a word actually did things. The word of God is not simply a sound; it is an effective cause. In the creation story God’s word creates. God said, Let there be light, and there was light (Gen 1:3). …He sent forth his word and healed them (Ps. 107:20)… In Jewish thought God’s word not only said things; it did things “ wrote Scottish scholar William Barclay.
Later as the Aramaic language was increasingly spoken throughout Palestine, the sacred texts were translated into books called Targums (literally, translations). In the Hebrew Bible (or Tanak) God is described with human feelings and actions which the Targum writers felt was too human. So they spoke of the word, or memra, of God instead of referring to God.
For example, Isaiah 48:13 states ‘My hand hath laid the foundation of the earth’ whereas in the Targums we read ‘By my word (memra) I have founded the earth’.
We have already observed Iris Murdoch’s view of the link between thought and language and in ancient times this link was much more a part of common thought. For example, the ancient Jews and Greeks linked the word with wisdom.
Starting with the Jewish example, the memra is linked with wisdom (Sophia). In the Proverbs wisdom is personified and by ‘wisdom God founded the earth.’ She is everlasting and with God before the earth and with God at the time of creation (Prov. 8:1-9).
Other books called the Apocrypha were written between the Old and New Testaments. These books, accepted by Catholicism but traditionally rejected by Protestants, claim that wisdom was created before the rest of creation and was Gods instrument in the creation process (Ecclesiasticus [Sirach] 1:1-10). Wisdom works all things (Wisdom 8:5) and God made all things by his word and man by his wisdom (Wisdom 9:1,2).
Now in Greece, around 560 BCE, Heracleitus described the world as a flux. An ever changing state of change. To explain why the world is not in chaos Heracleitus ‘all things happen according to the logos’. Logos is the Greek word for ‘word’ and is commonly used to refer to a message. However, the Greeks were fascinated by the idea of a mind or reason or logos that ‘ruled over all things’ (Anaxagoras) Logos was the mind of God. Plato declared it was gods logos that kept the planets on their course and controlled the seasons.
A Philosophic school called the Stoics claimed that the logos (Greek word) of God ‘roamed through all things’ and that the mind of man is only a small part of, and interconnected with, the mind of god. Roman philosopher Seneca stated ‘Reason is nothing else than a part of the divine spirit immersed in human body.’ Thus, the logos put order in the universe and sense in man.
Clearly, wisdom, reason and word are linked in both Jewish and Greek thought. However, there are differences. In Hellenistic thought the logos (the Word of God or Reason of God) is related to the notion that the universe itself is divine, a living being whose soul is God. God is everywhere and within everything. Jewish Kabbalah sees God as the ultimate reality and the universe is from God. The universe is the imagination of God, and the physical is unreal but god is real. Our universe is like a movie, an illusion caused by the motion of still images, and our universe is an illusion that comes from the reality of the divine. In Hellenistic Judaism as developed by the first century Alexandrian Jew Philo, the Grecian notion of Logos is unacceptable, because for Jewish God created the universe and transcends it. Logos is thought of as God creating the plan of the universe, the mind of God in the act of creation.
Philo synthesized Jewish and Grecian thought. Philo believed the logos of God was ‘inscribed and engraved upon the constitution of all things.’ The logos is ‘the tiller by which the pilot of the universe steers all things’. ‘The logos is the high priest which sets the soul before god’, the bridge between God and man.
This is why the Christian identification with Jesus as messiah and logos is at once comforting to a Christian and controversial to one who is not. By being called logos Christians claim the Messiah (or Christ, it’s the same meaning) is Gods creative power come to men. He is the word (logos) of knowledge and the word of power. He is claimed to be the mind of god. Word (logos) is an expression of thought and Jesus is gods perfect expression of gods thought to men. However, this thought was not initially given universal acceptance. Philo’s notion that the logos was created but not preexistent — son but not father created a fight over the question of Jesus being God or a creation of God. That would be settled at the Council of Nicea in 325 that declared Jesus and God the same.
Ecstatically Accepting the Present
Islam introduced many scientific and mathematical advances to the west. When most thought the earth was flat, Islamic scientists had taken into account the earth curvature so that the faithful could correctly pray in the direction of Mecca (the qibla, or “sacred direction”). The use of Arabic numerals replaced the clumsy roman number system and concepts such as zero and infinity added greatly to our ability to comprehend abstract concepts. Many of these concepts are now used to comprehend quantum mechanics, which many link to the Law of Attraction.
I know too little of Islam to fairly comment on it here, so I would like to narrow my focus to the 13th century Sufi Mohammad Jalal al-Din al-Balkhi al-Rumi from whom the Mevlevi Order and the Whirling Dirvishes derive. Rumi describes his desire for Allah in the most intimate of terms, as is his longing for the beloved.
Professor of Persian & Comparative Literature at Washington University in St. Louis , Fatemeh Keshavarz, noted that although Rumi lived in a patriarchal world, and doesn't see him as a feminist but a person who has surpassed issues of gender. Because Rumi can place himself in the shoes of another, she says, he could transcend the mundane and live with the ambiguity of smallness and godliness that exists in each human. Rumi would poetically describe his pain for what he wants to tell people as a breast feeding mother whose breasts are so full with milk that they hurt.
He describes his being separated from the divine as a reed turned into a flute:
“Listen to the story told by the reed of being separated. Since I was cut from the reed bed, I have made this crying sound. Anyone apart from someone he loves understands what I say. Anyone pulled from a source longs to go back. At any gathering, I'm there, lingering and laughing and grieving, a friend to each, but few will hear the secrets hidden within the notes. No ears for that. Body flowing out of spirit, spirit out from body, no concealing that mixing. But it's not given us to see, so the reed flute is fire, not wind. Leave that empty. “The Reed Flute's Song.

Rumi describes a longing over the separation of the divine in both our human and spiritual life. For Rumi spirituality is an ecstatic love of god and of life. ‘Sadness is a thief, it steals your energy’ he said.
In Rumi, human love and divine love are metaphorically linked in ways perhaps foreign to formal Western church life.
Wrote Rumi: “If anyone asks you about the houris, show your face, say: like this. If anyone asks you about the moon, climb up on the roof, say: "Like this." If anyone seeks a fairy, let them see your countenance. If anyone talks about the aroma of musk, untie your hair and say: "Like this." If anyone asks: "How do the clouds uncover the moon?" untie the front of your robe, knot by knot, say: "Like this." If anyone asks: "How did Jesus raise the dead?' kiss me on the lips, say: "Like this." If anyone asks: "What are those killed by love like?" direct him to me, say: "Like this." If anyone kindly asks you how tall I am, show him your arched eyebrows, say: "Like this."
The whole poem is a description of the physical beauty of the lover, for Rumi, In the end, all human beings can get to that candle of purity and reach God.

Perhaps you noticed that, although strictly Muslim, Rumi’s universalism allowed himself to use Jesus as part of his metaphor. Strikingly he takes the pregnancy of Mary with Jesus as a metaphor for for our developing of our spirituality.
According to Keshavarz, the vision of Rumi is that "all humanity is pregnant with God."
‘we are all pregnant with Jesus, but we must let the pregnancy take full term, discipline and if we can let the pregnancy go full tem then we give birth to our god. God does not come in packaged form but we must take responsibility for allowing our god to grow. ,,, You must realize the smallness to realize the greatness, …. Where you can live with an oxymoron where you can live with paradox and live with it comfortably because it opens up your horizons.’
Hope is a way to hell and a way to success. “The goal is to keep on going, for god is infinite’ there is always more. God embraces all there is nothing that is not part of him already.
‘The most important tool [Rumi] has, which is hope, is what we need to nurture in ourselves. And hope, the energy to move, the energy to go, to never think that this is not worth it or I am done, I am tired, that's what he's given me” wrote professor Keshavarz.
“You must seek anything you want to find” wrote Rumi. “Not so with a friend. You begin to seek after you find him.’ The journey begins when one finds a lover, for then the eternal search for the ever revealing qualities of the lover develops in earnest. In the same way, Rumi wants us to become a participant in the divine, seeking ever loving the search for meaning.
With characteristic dramatic flair Rumi says: "I am fire. If you have doubts about that, bring your hands forth." That is 'Bring your hands forth, touch me, and I'll tell you what I'm about.'
Do we have that same fiery zeal for life?
Are we participants in the divine – or if you don’t like religious terms – participate in the whole life. Do we use our whole person, both the creative right and logical left brain to enhance our lives. Do we offer our whole creative and logical side to humanity?
Rumi’s ecstasy for the divine seems relevant to modern men trying to find relief from our painfully compartmentalized world.
Those who live with passion and seek to be open to inspiration in their iives attract success.
The most successful people of history were both creative and logical. They came to know something of higher principles – even if they did not understand them in those terms. Infact many only knew of these principle incompletely, which is why some great people were also flawed. It is also why success principles were hidden by those in power in the past.

Today, in a highly secular world and it is common to hear people ascribe qualities to nature or to the quantum field that were once used of god. The god described by philosopher Baruch Spinoza, an impersonal intelligence, was the god of Einstein and is the divinity of many religious scientists today. Australian scientist Paul Davies, in his award winning book “The Mind of God’ argues that god is not a personality yet states "the existence of mind in some organism on some planet in the universe is surely a fact of fundamental significance. Through conscious beings the universe has generated self-awareness. This can be no trivial detail, no minor byproduct of mindless, purposeless forces. We are truly meant to be here."
Today, the mention of religious scripture is frowned upon and the law of attraction, for all its power for good, can just as easily draw undesirable consequences on us if we do not have clear values in our lives. A form of social democratic censorship encourages us to be rightly be aware of the sensitivities of others, while almost wrongly denying our own right to have an opinion. Having opinions is not a problem, as long as we respect in another his right to disagree.
A religionist may teach that the purpose of man is to give God glory. Whereas, the humanist explains mans purpose is to enjoy the maximum range of experience possible. I would argue that when one sees God as a loving parent, there is no contradiction. All of us have seen a loving father excitedly enjoy the successes of his children. Cheering on a daughter’s sporting achievements or a son’s financial success. Likewise, Jesus said ‘Let your light shine before men, that they may see your fine works and give glory to father who is in the heavens’ (Mt 5:16).
“It is because we don’t know who we are, because we are unaware that the Kingdom of Heaven is within us, that we behave in the generally silly, the often insane, the sometimes criminal ways that are so characteristically human. We are saved, we are liberated and enlightened, by perceiving the hitherto unperceived good that is already within us, by returning to our eternal ground and remaining where, without knowing it, we have always been” wrote Aldrous Huxley in The Perennial Philosophy.
Although, many theologies teach that the Kingdom of God will influence man’s future, I think we can all agree that live by principles and love that is expressed in spirituality we will express the attitudes that will open us to be successful manifestors.
"The secret of attraction is to love yourself. Attractive people judge neither themselves nor others. They are open to gestures of love. They think about love, and express their love in every action> They know that love is not a mere sentiment, but the ultimate truth at the heart of the universe' wrote Deepak Chopra.
"Love is what we are born with. Fear is what we learn. The spiritual journey is the unlearning of fear and prejudices and the acceptance of love back in our hearts' wrote Marianne Williamson.
Attempts have been made to bring these principles to fruition by people such as the Buddhist king Ashoka and Mahatma Gandhi. Sadly, the ideas of tolerance and acceptance did not last after their deaths. Their ideals failed because their success depended on a change in human consciousness. The economic policies proposed by Gandhi and Nelson Mandela failed because of the self interest of others.
Gandhi taught Ahimsa, the Indian concept of harmlessness and non violence, He added to this the ideas of Jesus from the Sermon on the Mount. Indeed, Gandhi said that the whole worlds problems could be solved if the advice of this sermon and he was often compared to Jesus because of his insistence on peaceful solutions. Yet sadly the ‘Children of Midnight’, the Indian generation born at the time of India’s independence on midnight August 15, 1947, and the people of Pakistan remember the atrocities that followed the Partition of Greater India into the India and the then two Pakistans.
The Golden Rule, that is “Do unto others as you would have them to do to you” (Matthew 7:12) requires you to treat everyone, even your enemies, as an equal. Infact, Jesus commanded his followers to “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you” (Matthew 5:44) However, in practice the Golden Rule has become gilded by our acceptance our selfish human nature. .We want too fight back and challenge our opposers.
Clearly this requires a person to completely review their attitude to life.
This could be illustrated by Jesus words: “Do not resist him that is wicked; but whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other also to him” (Matthew 5:39).
Consider two people who are slapped, an ancient way to insult another, One flares up and challengers the offender: “Come on, come on, I dare you hit the other cheek.” The other calmly says little or at the most seeks a peaceful solution, or simply walks away. Clearly the first is more likely to risk further injury. It is the attitude, the consciousness, of the individual that attends the action that makes all the difference. That a difference in consciousness is proposed is obvious from the context. Jesus also stated that the mere knowledge that a person has a complaint against you required you to attempt to make peace before worship god (Mt 5:23, 24) and hate was the same as murder (Mt 5:21-22).
I don’t think that criminality is being tolerated in Jesus words but the conscious, loving, spiritual mindset is. The mindset of peace and acceptance is a mindset that allows us to be at one with the divine and more successfully manifest our desires.
Remember, resistance is negative attraction. Fighting back only attracts further conflict.
We need a set off values to successfully attract what is most beneficial to us. Otherwise, the Law of Attraction can become our worst enemy.
“The Secret is full of holes because people are trying to create for themselves, through the Secret, that which never brought them any happiness in the first place. The real secret is that we are here to participate in life not to imagine ourselves the possessor of it. Because the only thing you can possess is imagined objects. Real life is consistent constant change. A fields of energy in temporary form that we become identified with so that we can have an identity as someone that owns the thing that we imagined. But we don’t think we imagined it because when the imagined comes unglued we become unglued and then find our sense of self by gluing ourselves together again” says Guy Finley.
Now, the Law of attraction works. What is problematic is that we are often unaware of our own inner insecurities and the unintended consequences of our own desires. We have all heard the saying ‘Be careful what you wish for because you might get it.’
Unless we have clear values then we risk drawing negativity to us, even unintentionally. Without clear values our focus will shift with the changing values of society rather than by our own considered consent.
For that reason, conscious awareness and spirituality, which need not necessarily include religion, needs to be a constant part of our lives. A review of the most successfully worthy achievers of history reveals that a clear search for the big questions in life propelled these people forward.

Just when you thought you knew the Secret
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Thursday, November 13, 2008

Three tips to make meetings more efficient

The following online article may help make for a smoother and more efficient business life.

Time it to the minute

Hold your meetings at 11am, as this is when energy levels peak, so staff will be focused. Check the meeting room has plenty of natural light – a dark room will encourage brains to produce the sleep hormone melatonin. "Bill Gates used to insist his meetings were only three minutes long," reveals stress expert Liz Tucker, who adds that people lose concentration at meetings that run for more than 30 minutes.

Illustrate your point

Research shows that if a group of people is told information at the same time as being shown it visually (such as on a PowerPoint presentation or handout), they don't absorb the data.** That's because our brains can't pay attention to two different formats simultaneously. So when you're choosing your visuals, pick examples that illustrate what you're saying, rather than showing the exact words that you're speaking.

Refresh and revitalise

If you want a robust exchange of ideas, then only serve water. We all need fluid to transport nutrients around our bodies and help keep us alert, but if you give people coffee and biscuits they'll get sugar and caffeine spikes, which will make them hyperactive for 10 minutes and then leave them feeling drained. And when this happens, the brain's ability to process, store and retrieve information is reduced.

**University of NSW research, 2007



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Thursday, November 6, 2008

Self Confidence - Part 1

What is Self confidence?

Self confidence is a conviction, proven to yourself that you can and will succeed. Self Confidence is far more than just positive thinking.
Self confidence is a state of mind that comes from your own proven successes.
Self confidence is like faith yet not credulity. Faith in yourself that has been established by the evident demonstration of real successes in your life.
With self confidence you keep moving toward your goals, without fear takes over and you quit. With self confidence you integrously move ahead convinced in your values, without your opinion vacillates and procrastination follows.

Yet self confidence can seem illusive to many and it is an issue I presently am working on.

Just as an athlete develops physical strength at the gym, self confidence develops when definite actions and thoughts are consistently exercised.
So what are the laws of achieving self confidence? What exercises can be done to effectively develop of self belief?

The Law of Causation
The Greek philosopher Socrates coined The Law of Causation (or The Law of Cause and Effect as it is sometimes called) states that every successful act there is a repeatable and achievable cause.
By modelling your actions on the successful choices of an achiever you can succeed with mathematical precision.
The converse of the law of Causation is that every unsuccessful act has a repeatable cause. This is compounded by the fact that in modelling a successful person we may not know all the contributing causations of their success.
However we can also learn from our failures, many of us have heard about Edison’s determination to invent the light bulb (although the credit for its invention may rest with his assistant Tesla). His attempts at an incandescent light bulb failed on thousands of occasions, and from each mistake he learned what did not work.
Remember, when the Apollo 11 reached the moon it had been off course some over 90 percent of the time. Yet by monitoring Apollo 11’s progress and constantly readjusting the ships course success was achieved.
Even after the successful invention of the light bulb, financial success of Edison’s invention of the light bulb was not assured. The population was used to the use of gas.
The idea of a light bulb had been tried for years by many other researches and after Edison’s success 600 lawsuits for patent infringement followed. Edison had to prove the integrity of his claim as the inventor.

The law of Becoming. Just as the food we eat becomes part of our physical development, our thinking shapes our psychology.
We are constantly in a state of development or becoming.
Whatever we concentrate our thoughts on is what we become. This is sometimes called The Law of Concentration.
You become what you think about most of the time, so think the thoughts of who you want to be. Dwell on our desires and aspirations.
Avoid thinking of the negatives like one would avoid the plague.

The Law of Correspondence
What we experience coincides with something occurring within us. Our outer achievement is a product of our inner world. This idea has been repeated throughout history from the Babylonian Emerald Tablet through to the great works of character development and success such as Think and Grow Rich, or How to win Friends and Influence People,

So let us consider ways to successfully develop our inner world.

Selecting Your Values
Firstly, think through and decide your values
Self confidence requires we live integrous to our clear values and consistently follow our inner most convictions and aspirations.
Be absolutely clear about what we believe is right and proper.

Like the law of gravity these values may be invisible but to violate them results in predictably adverse consequences.

Do you have a written value statement for your company?
According to Brian Tracey a study over 25 years companies with very clear written values had an average 700% greater profit than those without when measured against companies in the same industry.

One value that needs careful consideration is integrity. Integrity is consistently praised as essential for success in life and business.

Integrity is the one core unifying, organizing principle. Integrity is the value that guarantees all other values.

According to, integrity is defined as
Adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character; honesty.
The state of being whole, entire, or undiminished: to preserve the integrity of the empire.
A sound, unimpaired, or perfect condition: the integrity of a ship's hull.

Integrity is perfect, undivided, without blemish, whole or complete. Clearly from the above definition you cannot have a little bit of integrity. You have integrity or you don’t. You live following integrity or you don’t.

To live by integrity, means asking “how will I live from this moment onward?’ then deciding never to violate that value from that moment on. It requires making an unshakeable decision to abide by your values.
To decide comes from the Middle English deciden, the Middle French decider and Latin decidere meaning ‘to cut off’.
Integrity requires deciding to live by values we chose and not by the values of others. We make a choice and decide to ‘cut off’ other alternatives.
Robert Moorehead stated "My face is set, my gait is fast, my goal is Heaven, my road is narrow, my way is rough, my companions are few, my guide is reliable, my mission is clear. I cannot be bought, compromised, detoured, lured away, turned back, diluted, or delayed. I will not flinch in the face of sacrifice, hesitate in the presence of adversity, negotiate... at the table of the enemy, ponder at the pool of popularity, or meander in a maze of mediocrity. I won't give up, shut up, let up, or slow up."

As James Valentine wrote: “It is often lamented that the main cause for unhappiness in life is trading what is wanted most for what is wanted at the moment. Having a significant lifetime purpose helps one focus on long-term achievement and rely less on short-term gratification. If the best things in life really are free, then they are not found in more money and more material possessions. They are found in the values of fulfilment, intimacy, joy, friendship, spiritual wholeness and compassion for our fellow humans.”

Exercises to decide your Values

Who do you admire?
Of all those living or dead that you respect who are they? Gandhi, Jesus, Martin Luther King or captains of industry?
Ask yourself: What qualities did these people have that you admire and desire for yourself?

Write out your obituary or eulogy.
How would you like to be remembered?
What values would you want to describe your ideal self?
Perhaps you have a list of 5 to a maximum of 10 values that describe your ideal self.

Now it is time to prioritise.

Write each of your values on a separate piece of paper.
If you could keep only one value which value would you choose?
That is your foremost value.

Continue this same process, choosing the most important of the remaining values until you have all your values are prioritized.

Whenever we contravene our sense of integrity or have an improper value system our life will come back to bite us.
How many business people place financial success ahead of their family yet the resulting emotional and family breakdown undermines their financial success.

Success requires honest relationship with ourselves and others. To live integrity we cannot follow a course of self deception.
Integrity sees the world and ourselves exactly as they are.
An integrous person refuses to stay in a situation that is disintegrous to him or her. The integrous person never compromises his values for another. His values only change if he realizes they are faulty and he consciously decides to reassess his priorities.

Finally, our true values are manifest by our actions, especially when under stress. It is in times of trauma that our facades diminish and our true character shines through.


An athlete develops strength by moving against resistance. The act of lifting weights forces blood, oxygen and nutrition into the muscle cells.
In the same way, when we consistent act by principle, resisting our natural desire to compromise and take the easy way out and moving forward we build on our self respect.
Acting with boldness and Integrity crystallizes into happiness and self respect. This in turn increases our self confidence and results in greater achievement.
The Law of indirect Effort
Almost all emotional achievement comes to us indirectly. Pursing happiness directly usually fails, but integrously following our purpose and enjoying the success of our achievements results in satisfaction and happiness.
We must develop the habit of growing bigger, increasingly expanding goals. With increasing achievement we develop a positive knowing that we can succeed. You know you have developed the strength and conviction to be unstoppable.
Remember the Law of Causation, our thoughts and actions compound to create our reality. According to The Law of Attraction what we think about is what we attract in our life.
Constant expanding achievement adds to our conviction that our dreams will be achieved and we in turn attract success. Applying the Law of correspondence, a strong self conviction of success in our inner reality will be reflected in our outer reality.

Hence, we need clear goals to achieve clear results.

7. The Law of Concentration
Whatever we dwell on continually will become our reality.
Concentrate on that one dominant desire. Chip away at it concentrating your blows like an axe man concentrates the blows of his axe. Slowly this desire will infect our unconscious mind with the reality that this is who we are and who we will become.
Giants of achievement single mindedly smash one obstacle into submission with massive hammer blows of single minded focus.

“A monumental key to success in any endeavour is single-mindedness of purpose. … Humans are goal oriented creatures. As such, the very act of striving to hit a target is necessary to a persons well being as this gives the individual a certain sense of purpose… People who possess a powerful sense of purpose are happier, have greater health and generally live much longer than their counterparts who lack purpose and who have no objectives of substantial magnitude” states James Lee Valentine.
James adds “Individuals who earnestly strive for successful results have carved out a focused direction for their lives; they know what they want and show firm decision making abilities in heading toward the attainment of their aspirations. These achievement-oriented people are absorbed in what they are doing and are eager to give life all they have to offer. It is one of life’s little miracles that it returns the favour by making their lives richer and fuller.”
Clear goals can give a sense of direction to our lives.

Brian Tracey lists what he calls The Four C’s:
· Clarity Clarity of purpose
· Conviction “I can do’
· Commitment The willingness to act
· Consistency Having the character to act toward your goals every day to achieve your goals.

8. The Law of Emotion and the power of written Goals
Any thought empowered by strong emotion will result in change.
How many could not give up a bad habit until suddenly they had a strong emotionally charged reason to do so.
Ivan Pavlov demonstrated that linking the pleasure of a food to the sound of a bell would result in immediate salvation in animals.
We are no different. If we constantly associate positive celebration and joy with achieving our dreams, we will desire and seek that goal.

The opposite is the experience of fear.
Fear results in procrastination, whereas desire will propel us forward to our goals.

Writing down a goal makes it more real to the subconscious.
Research constantly demonstrates that those who have written goals are far more likely to achieve their dreams.
Brian Tracey claims writing down your goals has at least 3 positive effects:
· Written goals increase self confidence, self concept and increase your self image.
· Written goals give a sense of energy and excitement.
· Written goals are far more likely to be achieved.

The secret to success is having dreams that inspire.

Successful people constantly develop bigger and larger dreams that take them beyond their comfort zone.
Whereas allowing fear to confine our lives to within our comfort zone results in a life of boredom and frustration.
Australian success coach Christy Andronicus recommends making decisions that are 50% exciting and 50% scary. If it’s all exciting but there is no fear its not a big enough goal she explains.

Exercises: How do I develop big dreams?
Imagine if you had just won one million dollars.
What would you do differently?
What would you do with your life? What company would you work for? Where would you live? What would you do?

· If you had only six months to live what would you do?
· List all your problems, and then write down goals that solve these challenges.
· Define who I want to be and design a plan to achieve it.

Look at your life from (at least these) 6 categories;
Financial Goals
Family/Personal Goals
Self Improvement goals
Spiritual Goals
Health Goals
Social/community Goals

Prioritize each list and then choose the one major goal that is the organizing principle of them all.

Finding that over reaching inner motivating desire is extremely important.
To have something we must first be something.
This is the reverse to what most think. Most believe they become something because of what they do.
Whereas we act because of whom we are. True we can change as a result of what we do; however, our changed persona in turn affects our future choices.

Remember, the giants of achievement single mindedly smash one obstacle into submission with massive hammer blows of single minded focus.

An important caveat from Michelangelo: “The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it.”
So aim high with all the gusto and desire you can muster.
People who don’t try simply have impotent goals. A Goal Must Be Measurable
If I were to begin training for a marathon the task would seem insurmountable if I did not have a specific goal and specific sub goals to measure my achievement.
Saying I am going to train for a marathon is a notable goal.
Training for a particular marathon – whose date is known in advance has greater force. The goal is no longer abstract. It has something definite in it. It is a specific target to reach for.

Of course running 42.2 kilometres (26 miles +) is not something we do over night.
Sub goals need be reached.

A major goal can be broken down into smaller goals of 30 and 60 day duration, each target realistically set according to the time allotted.
List what must be done to achieve each target, this way each goal can be measured and prioritised so as to increase your chance of success.

An important reminder:
Celebrate each achievement. If the goals involve your family – even indirectly, make it a family celebration and reward their support and your achievement.

To tell or not to tell? That is the question
Many argue you should tell people your goals. Some argue that by telling people what you force yourself to achieve. Exploiting the fear of embarrassment that failure would bring as a stimulus.
Here you would need to be careful who you told.

Select people who will help you – not your mates who are likely to deride you or make out your goal is too hard. Find encouragement not discouragement.
Our environment has a major influence on our likelihood of success. So develop positive uplifting friendships with successful achievers and people of likeminded values to your own.

Brian Tracey suggests not broadcasting your intent. Tracey suggests putting more effort in action and less in talk.
Just get started and as people see you are serious they will have less reason to undermine your intentions.

Remind Yourself of your Goals Daily
Begin each day writing down your goals in the present tense.
I AM …… a millionaire
I HAVE ….. A new latest model Jaguar.
I DO … exercise at the gym every day

It is true that some teachers argue that stating a goal as achieved when it is not can backfire.
So if you are fighting the inner demons of doubt, perhaps you could reword your goals – especially if your repeat them as affirmations – as a dream.

In my dreams I AM a millionaire
In my dreams I see the new Jaguar I have just bought.

This helps by pass any subconscious doubts until you have strengthened your self confidence to the point that you know you have the inner strength to achieve our goals.

Self confidence will come from the positive knowing that you have the strength of character and determination to succeed.

Self confidence is a conviction, proven to yourself that you can and will succeed. Self Confidence is not just positive thinking. It is far more.
Self confidence is a state of mind that comes from your own proven successes.
Self confidence is like faith – not credulity, but faith in yourself that has been established by the evident demonstration of real successes in your life.

Onward to success,
Check out the Empowered Millionaire Institute Now!
The 90 Day Charge

Monday, October 20, 2008

Yielding a Bounteous Crop


A farmer sold all he had and bought a beautiful farm. It was a beautiful property and he decided he was to have the most beautiful farm in the district.

So he prepared.

He bought the most advanced tractor. He bought the most advanced harvester. Then there was the bright, new shiny tools, the fertilizer the bright new barn. He was determined to see that everything was ready and so he prepared, reviewed and again prepared.

Along came harvest time and so he invited his friends to come and they would all work together. He proudly showed his friends the bright new house, the tractor with all its gadgets and air conditioned luxury. The vast array of equipment and tools were all on display for his guests.

Then it came time to go out and harvest the fields.

So out they all drove and to everyone's shock there was nothing there.


The land was bare.

Suddenly the farmer remembered that in all his activity, in all his busyness and strategising, he had not planted the crop.

The season for planting had come and gone and without his noticing, the window of opportunity, the season was over.

He could not bring back the opportunity.

The story is not mine, but one related by speaker Prem Rawat.

It illustrates how many of us live our lives.

We have big dreams and there is a lot at stake so we plan well. So we should, success does require intellectual rigour. Is there a little of the farmer inside of you? Does everything have to be 'just so' before we begin to act on our dreams?

The farmer in the story was a very hard worker. He worked on his plan and researched what was required. Yet in the final analysis he did little work of substance. He did not focus his efforts on the one thing that would bring him a reward – planting the crop.

Harvesters don't make a crop, barns don't make a crop. Only the planting and cultivating the growing seeds would lead to success.

We all have the seeds of greatness. What counts is taking the opportunity in our life and running with it.

There are no guarantees.

When the Wright brothers flew the Kittyhawk a distance no longer than a football field they had no guarantees. They could not be sure of success. In truth, it was not the fact that the Kittyhawk flew that made the Wright brothers famous, As a large number of New Zealanders have reminded me – flight had been achieved in the 'Land of the Long white Cloud'.

The Wright brothers however were successful because they seized their opportunity and were the first to the Patent Office.

They did not allow the seeds of success remain unproductive and now flight is a common every day event.

So often people enthusiastically develop a second business alongside their 9 to 5 occupation.

Off they go, all enthused ready to attack their goals with new found enthusiasm.

Finally they make the break, dumping their job for 100% commitment. Assured that increased effort will guarantee untold success they give it their all.

Disaster! Immediately their efficiency bottoms out.


In many cases it is partly because their enthusiasm was motivated by their disdain of the 9 to 5 rat race.

Suddenly, without a boss to hate, their drive is gone and a new motivation best be found if success will ensue.

The following suggestions, based on my recent experience and PPC Classroom 2.0 creator Amit Mehta will help increase your efficiency 3-10X.

"Mindfulness is mandatory for anyone wishing to end the misery born of trying – in vain – to fill an empty heart with meaningless experiences." Guy Finley

So let's mindfully simplify our day, clarify our purpose and plan our actions.

  1. Write down your vision.

Have pictures of your goals around as visual reminders

  1. Written Goals

Write Weekly goals at the beginning of the week and then each day write out 8 to 12 of the most important things you will do that day and DO them.

Modify, adjust and clarify your targets daily as you work toward your weekly target.

Written goals can also be planned for the month or the whole year as needed.

  1. Do the top 2 tasks first
  2. Eat 5 or 6 nutritious meals during the day. Simply having a bowl of fruit close at hand can aid in keeping your concentration high. Avoid, or atleast reduce energy stimulants that give you a quick high but leave you feeling deflated such as sugar or excess coffee.

  3. Get a good night Sleep
  4. Get up early. In an extra hour a lot can be achieved before the rest of the family is wanting your attention!
  5. Outsource low value tasks. Have a secretary do the paperwork or use an online out sourcing service.
  6. "Focus on your strengths, outsource the rest". Live by this motto!
  7. For inspiration you may even take a laptop, even a simple notebook, and work outside occasionally. I'm writing this at the edge of Bramble Bay, Queensland. If I had only been writing my first drafts at the water edge other times I would surely have been more productive.

  8. According to Amit Mehta studies show a 40% increase in productivity with the big screen. I must be honest and say that at this point I have yet to take the plunge. However, the research presents a compelling argument.

    True it is a psychological 'trick' but if you value your time look into it.

  9. Learn to speed read.

With the increasing overload of information available, efficient information harvesting is essential in today's world.

Paul Scheele's Photoreading program is excellent and surpasses the usual speed reading technology. Using a combination of both the unconscious and conscious mind whole pages can be grasped at a glance with remarkable retention.

Another tool for training your eyes to read efficiently is the software 'EyeQ". This tool trains the eyes to move more effectively so that groups of lines are read instead of a few words at a time.

If you can't afford these check online for the many speed reading books available.

  1. Take a break every 60 minutes

Consider the following schedule:

Go for it, don't start the day reading the paper or checking the news.

The only exception I consider is to begin my day clarifying my life's purpose and clarifying my goals. For me that includes some spiritual reflection and prayer. Once settled and focused I begin to review the days goals as per Step #1 above.

Suggested breaks could include exercise, meditation, a quick walk in nature or playing with the dog. 20 minutes of exertion pumps away the cobwebs, releases stress and allows us to return to work with increased focus. I only recently joined a gym and am surprised how in a matter of days my focus has jumped dramatically.

Take a 20 to 30 minute power nap if you're tired. Wake up refreshed and then work with increased vigour.

The most important:

Get away from the computer! Yes take your exercise away from the plug-in cyber drug.

How often have you received an inspired idea the moment you were not forcing your focus on an issue? So play with the dog, pat the cat, tease the children.

Getting away from the computer for short non work related breaks WILL increase your efficiency. Note, I did say short and I am not advocating constantly being distracted from your life's purpose or daily targets.

Remember step 1. List 8-12 targets and DO them. Taking breaks is a tool to help you more inspirationally achieve these outcomes.

There are only so many hours you can work in a day but you can improve your efficiency from 3 to 10 fold by considering these suggestions.

Remember the farmer at the beginning of this blog. He worked. He worked hard, getting everything ready yet he was never focused on his outcome or overall goal.

Following these suggestions will increase your efficiency in working toward your daily, weekly, monthly and annual targets. Ultimately it is hoped it will help you achieve the realization of your life's purpose.









Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Are You Prepared

According to the Law of Attraction we are part of the single universal force that holds the universe together. Whether it is because of subatomic resonance or simply the idea that thoughts are things our entire life is said to be a product of our thoughts and feelings. We are what we think about, or more precisely the feelings generated by our thoughts.

Then why does living a life that attracts wealth seem so foreign to most of us? Why does it seem so hard?

Some of us are about to begin a journey – another challenge to enhance our lives – but why take training if greatness is already part of us?

We have lost our sensitivity to listen to our hearts.

We live in a world where everything is measured outside of ourselves. Many of these values are important and worthy because of the potential to achieve that they represent. Yet everything about us draws our attention to the external world.

However, t he Law of Attraction reminds us that the outer world is a reflection of the inner world.

It requires us to feed our inner being and to recognise the richness within.

All major religions teach we are made in the image of God. The divine therefore has the potential to be reflected through man. The problem is in us. A mirror is designed to shine and must be clear of all dirt and obstruction.

Sadly, we have done a good job of covering up our spark of divinity.

We have done a brilliant job of covering up our hearts most secret yearnings.

There is always another thing to do, another responsibility to fulfil and our inner world, the seed of our greatness, and who we are truly, is pushed aside.

We have our outer responsibilities which must not be ignored and we also have a responsibility to our inner world.

How can that seed of potential be encouraged to grow?

To grow a good crop of seeds more than hope is required. Even if the weather, rain and seasons were right good success depends on preparation.

A seed thrown on hard uncultivated ground, or a seed amidst weeds or just out of the way gobbled up by passing birds has little chance.

Do we listen to the leadings of our heart? Or are we to busy, running over the soil of our heart, crushing down our desires underfoot packing them down hard never allowed to be expressed. Are we always pushing our hearts aside, never allowing time to reflect on our desires and let them take root in our soul before the dry heat of life's dramas shrivel them from our soul ?

Do we live in a world of distractions, each little anxiety and pressure, choking out our desires before they mature, like weeds choking out the seeds of a valuable crop?

Or do we simply ignore our desires and simply let someone take away the seeds of our hope as does a bird take seeds laying on the ground?

We need to dig away all the obstacles we have layered on our hearts to see the valuable gem within.

If we are to succeed in drawing success to ourselves then the seed of desire must be planted deep in our hearts, ploughed cultivated, watered and fertilized like a well prepared crop.


It is easy to become discouraged and to view ourselves as too insignificant.

'How important am I anyway?' you may ask.

At the Oxonian Institute, on May 11, 2007, writer Deepak Chopra related how he and his brother travelled to India to cremate their father. In The ashes were taken to the Ganges at Rishikesh where the Chopra's had their fathers details recorded. The dates of their grandparents, great grandparents, and great-great-grandparents were recorded.

Deepak asked how far back did the family records go?

"How far back do you want to go?" asked the priest. "This place has been keeping records since 323 BCE when Alexander the Great invaded India."

This caused Deepak Chopra to ask himself about all the tens of millions of people required for his birth to occur. You have 2 parents, 4 grandparents, 8 Great grandparents, 16 Great Great Grand-parents and if any one of those people were missing in the chain – if any one of them had not been in an amorous mood at a precise time he would not exist.

Think. Compared to the universe we are but a speck of dust on a speck of dust that rotates around a slightly bigger speck of dust in a giant dust bowl.

It is east to feel dwarfed.

Yet oh what a magnificent speck of dust! An infinite number of events have made your life possible. I believe this is far more than random coincidence.

We are a speck of dust that experiences the union of the finite and the infinite all at once, a speck of dust that can appreciate the finite world and be open to the divine intelligence that moves this universe.

We have the ability to appreciate beyond what is. We have a remarkable gift called consciousness. Either this spark of divinity within us is simply a by product of the brains chemical activity – an epi-phenomenon, or we are influenced by the divine. How you describe that divine intelligence I leave to your belief system. You may disagree and I respect your opinion.

Now, even science is coming around, as only one of the 12 schools of thought that describe mans proposed evolution view it as an entirely random phenomenon.

Do we truly appreciate how great a gift we have been given?

With all the things that must have occurred for us to be alive - with all the things that have occurred to grant us consciousness we have so much to be grateful for.

That gratitude can propel us to want to appreciate every second of our existence.

Do we take every opportunity to enhance and empower our lives and to learn both what it is we truly desire and what skills and tools can enhance our pursuit of an Empowered life style.

One of the biggest problems in achieving our goals is knowing on what to set our aspirations.

To know our vision we must take a very personal journey that no one else can take for us. The journey into our soul.

This is why the great writers of the past constantly emphasize the need of silence – stilling the self talk. If your religion discourages meditation then quietly reflect on a scene from a scene consistent with your views. I like a scene that reminds me of the 23rd Psalm of sheep as I remember them in my Tasmanian childhood.
Once we understand what it is that we so hungrily desire within then looking for a means to manifest it is more readily achieved.
A few months back I attended an arts awards night. The judge spoke highly of the artistic skill of the entrants but made an interesting observation. She encouraged the artists to spend far more time working within and finding what was the message they wanted their work to convey. An Empowered, meaningful Life is far more than the skilful use of techniques. We must have a vision to people us forward otherwise we will not fully use all; the gifts available to us.
Our vision gives us a reason to strive, to overcome obstacles and allows us the satisfaction to look back over our life with a sense of deep satisfaction.
At the end of your days what will be the message people will write as your epitaph? If you can write it now what would you want people to remember? What is it that is truly you? What is it that is to be your destiny?
Check out the Empowered Millionaire Institute Now!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

No! That’s not going to Happen

This month I decided I would put an extra effort forward to lead the way, forge a path in encouraging a budding forum I am a member of.

I wrote blogs, which now suddenly seemed inferior to their purpose, I wrote and rewrote – suddenly 10 different themes in 10 separate files all suddenly full of facts and figures. Yet something was missing.

What was wrong?

I have made incredible, almost unbelievable progress in my health and prospects in the last few months. So why?

Suddenly the obvious reality coalesced.

I had lost sight of my purpose.

Purpose, or vision, is that very thing that propels us forward to move ahead to want to be above mediocrity. Vision - which propels us to be great. Vision - to overcome obstacles. Vision - to give meaning and purpose to all who we meet in this world.

As potential Empowered Millionaires we have to be able to make money. 'To make a buck' as some put it. There is no escaping the fact that an entrepreneur must make a profit.

But that is not enough. We can reach a financial goal and at its realization suddenly wonder 'Is that all there is?" Without vision the journey to success may in itself be weak, pointless and not worth continuing.

Impotent goals are often the source of non achievement. One of the main reasons people fail to achieve their goals is that the goals were never really formed in their mind.

Importantly, a worthwhile vision adds value to others.

A product worthy of success adds value. A product of value generates return custom. A product of value promotes loyalty.

The same is true of a Visionary person. A Visionary businessman is successful because he is directed by vision. A Visionary parent does not allow distractions take his or her mind away from the family. A successful husband is focused on the needs of his spouse and is a blessing to her. A Visionary wife is a blessing to her husband.

Similarly, an Empowered Millionaire more is required than a seven figure bank account. An Empowered life is a Visionary life that compels the Empowered Millionaire to help others live Empowered lives.

Whether you believe God has a purpose for you or you decide your purpose what is it? Is your goal real to you or a fuzzy haze?

Either you know your life's script or the script is being written for you.

Your parents want to write your script for you. Your friends want to write your script for you, Your workmates, your neighbours, society wants to write your script for you.

Let me emphasize an important distinction. Goals and visions are often very different.

A goal of $1,000,000 may be the means to finance a vision. Money is potential power. A power that can be used for good or bad, and the choice depends on vision.

Be it Lakhes and Crores, Ponds and Shiilings, Yen, Peso's or Dollars you can't eat them but they can allow you to enjoy the luxury and feeling of a delicious meal.

Well I know all that, it's nothing new, so why was I stuck?

I realize I had begun to replay the mental tapes calling me to stay in my comfort zone – and the reality stung me, to replay the mind games of my past.
No! That's not going to Happen. No more that's past. Never again.

Some years back I was part of Michael Skye's Vision Force Academy. I was only beginning the course and beginning to experience an emotional re-awakening – but also beginning was a major health decline and a resulting marriage failure. Coincidental timing but a scaring jolt.

Ivan Pavlov demonstrated that when a dog was fed food at the time he heard a bell he would be 'conditioned' (Pavlov's own term) to salivate when only the bell was heard. This happens with any repeated peak emotion, good or bad.

I am now, again, making major changes in my life. Right on cue, at the point of moving toward its serious application suddenly the same unease – brainwashed into me from past trauma began to replay in my head.

Yet there are differences - Major differences.

I am improving in my health in ways I had not imagined only months ago. I am nearly off medication that has left me sedated for over two decades.

I feel so alive at times I am like an overcharged battery, trying to learn to balance my containment.

Relationships, well I don't have to find the perfect lady of my life- I've found her. She is the best motivator on the planet.

She will probably want to kill me for telling you, but then she is much a part of who I have become and who I am becoming.

<i>So how do we determine our Vision?</i>

How do you know what your purpose in life is? How can you leave planet earth a better place than you found it?

The principles have been written up everywhere I will borrow from writer Kate Fergeson.
Quiet time, reflection and journaling

Take time to know yourself. Write a journal and notice recurring patterns.

Watch your responses.

Our vision will be expressed in accord to our environment. A Vision does not occur in isolation. Ghandi and Martin Luther King were successful because they expressed their vision according to the situation of their times.

Another trick I use is when watching a movie or reading a book. If I am particularly moved or even frustrated by the plot or a character I have a clue of something meaningful to me.

Perhaps the plot expresses a situation in the world that I could help change.

As you journal ask yourself:

What Do I Love? Remember you want to 'Follow your Bliss' and live 'Life with passion'.

So begin to daily ask yourself 'What do i love?' and let that realization open
Know Thy-Self!

With a wonderful list of things liked recorded in your look for a pattern. Categorize them

Look at the things contained in your journal, group them, categorise them.

"Are they good for you or bad for you? How do they serve you in your life? What are the common characteristics contained within these groupings?" are questions we should ask according to Kate Fergeson in 'Finding Your Life's Purpose.

Reflect on your responses and journal your thoughts.
Rewrite the script!

You will now know what you Love, and reflecting on this will 'help you understand you understand the role they play in your life and you are beginning to see a picture unfold as to how they can assist you to create a whole new life of Bliss, Passion and Joy'

Now take all these parts and take the images and like Picasso merge these little pictures into your own giant masterpiece. Don't rush; take time, days, weeks even, as you build, refine and readjust the perfection of your future. Constantly improve upon it as your life evolves.

Create a new vision for yourself that incorporates all of these elements. Write your new story. This can take quite a while so let it evolve over time. Write and rewrite as you desire 'until it feels absolutely perfect and makes your heart sings.'

There are two parts to this. Personal inspiration and connection

a) Find things that inspire you to hold onto your new understanding about what your Life Purpose is and how it is manifesting in your life.

Pictures from the internet or magazines. Make a 'Mindmovie' of your vision and play and replay it. Make it your mantra – write a song. Whatever excites you. Read books on it, watch movies about it.

Do anything that makes you feel good about your vision

b) Connect, network with anyone who shares your vision. The Empowered Millionaires Institute gives us the opportunity to inspire and be inspired. To gain we must be an active part of the fun.

Are there organizations that share what makes you happy?

Join them and enjoy your quest for Happiness.

Spend time with your dreams, goals and passions everyday so that your connection remains strong, your inspiration remains with you and your vision remains clear.

So go for it! Your vision is your future. Will you write your script? Or will you let someone else steal your destiny.


Check out the Empowered Millionaire Institute Now!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Magpie Attack and the Power of Thought

Its nesting season here in Australia, and following the ritual of finding a mate and frantic nest building its time for laying and protecting the eggs. I often watch (sometimes with a secret bemusement) as Mrs Magpie, matriarch of the Australian eucalypt, dive bombs helpless hominids whose over the top frantic reactions only seem to make the problem worse.
You see I'm never attacked. I regularly walk a path that at the same time seems to be a practice range for birds improving their pecking skills.
I'm never attacked I say - er..well ... that was until yesterday.
Why? hmmm...
Am I losing my touch?
I have hand fed young magpies introduced by their proud parents, Maggie and Fred, visiting at my back door.
Last week, a few kilometres from home a magpie flew by landing a metre from my head. It 'checked me out' as I noticed a nest, blown down from the late August South easterly winds that cross the peninsular I inhabit.
The nest appeared unused and perfectly clean.
I tried to return the nest to some useful location suitable for nesting, as unlikely as success appeared, while under 'motherly' inspection and walked away unharmed.
So what went wrong yesterday?

I had walked about half the distance of my journey and was picking up speed to overcome a little fatigue. The bird swooped - let’s call her Maggie - scuffing my hair with her claws on the first pass, flying toan overhead branch menacingly rubbing her beak against the bark.
No harm done. As I always do with frightened or threatening animals I chat away calmingly - humans think I'm nuts, so what? Maggie looked on and I walked away.
Swooped again and further up the road again!
What had made this bird so cantankerous?

Contrary to myth, magpies do not attack indiscriminately. At least an expert told me that, and it is true in my experience.
Perhaps a young boy on a bike threw stones at a magpie or a mother with a pram approached a baby fallen from the nest. Whatever the reason, Maggie perceives a young boy or a pram as a cause of future alarm.
Parent birds Maggie and Fred are more likely to attack similar looking people.
The problem spirals when other not-so-nice children decide to take pre-emptive strike.
The cycle of seasonal aerial warfare begins afresh.
Well on the return journey home Fräulein Magpie made one last speedy flurry over my hairline and I simply squatted on my haunches and again my sing-song intoned chat to my cautious feathered friend.
Soon the curious bird walked toward me – pecking occasionally at an unidentifiably small object from the ground. Moving to within only a few feet, she then hopped away stopping to eat occasionally to peck at the ground.
So am I a nut. Is this all the wishful dreaming of some strange man who thinks he is the ‘bird-whisperer’?
I am none of the above.
But I do know this.
When I underwent a divorce and I would pray quietly in the car hoping to avoid what sometimes seemed a never ending conflict. It was in no way as bad as it appeared – but that was the point for when I prayed it seemed no conflict arose.
At another time in my life I applied the same principle, by stilling the mind and letting go.
Whatever one’s religious, spiritual or psychological viewpoint, the act of letting go influenced firstly my inner being and, as constantly witnessed by others, my outer results.
Of course we have heard it all before – thoughts are things. We become what we think about. Our thoughts are part of the unified field – or the field of infinite possibilities.
But prove it!
St the very least I think we can agree that our thoughts determine the quality of our actions in obtaining our goals.

‘First comes thought; then organization of that thought, into ideas and plans; then transformation of those plans into reality. The beginning, as you will observe, is in your imagination’ wrote Napoleon Hill.

Its amazing how the imagination can take on a world of its own. Like a little mental computer game of viral thoughts mutating it no possibilities un-ended. Yes thoughts can take on the qualities of viruses and it is this quality and that quality is called a neme.
A meme, according to Susan Blackmore, (p 64, The Power of Memes, in Scientific American, October 2000) is an idea that behaves in society like a virus does in a body. like the stupid story or lurid joke that upon its first telling is perpetuated and undergoes endless permutations in the game of 'Chinese Whispers'. Just like a virus infecting a host (the person who hears the joke), reproduce (are retold by the new host) and infect new hosts. A virus may hitch a ride on a ‘vector’ (a magazine or website?) and on it goes.
Of course, viruses can be benign or malignant just as an idea could just be stupid, who cares about hair colour anyway?, or even deadly in the case of some racial, ethnic or religious bigotry.
If we think about the last few years alone ideas have changed the face of the map. Before 1917 most of the world was ruled by 5 empires of Great Britain, Russia, Austro-Hungary, China & Japan. Two were gone by 1918, the Austro-Hungarian and Russian, and China’s dying and dead before WWII and Japans effectively gone in function by WWII end. Consider The end of the Colonialist Era up to WWII, the rise and fragmentation of the Soviet Empire and now its reassertion, or the rise of India and China.
Even 'evolution' is affected. I am using the word very loosely here to describe the effect of ideas on the physical and biological environment.
Consider the human figure. I recently undertook a small training program to help make museum grade mannequins. An expert was there as we rebuilt a mannequin using measurements taken from off a dress. Besides the fact I can’t sew and have very little fashion sense– it was fascinating to note how in different periods variations were required because girls were shapely, then the twiggy look was in and then ….. I think you get the idea. I, the ever watchful historian type, was fascinated. Beauty is an ever changing ideal.
The body has varied so much that German researchers are undertaking a mass body-imaging project purely to redesign clothing sizes! Chest capacity is now bigger in men & woman by the way.. for the record, I’m not talking plastic surgery, but rather the lung and chest cavity.
One fashion designer stated: ‘Fashion is designed to become unfashionable.’ Yet fickle or not, fashion is dictating a new physical ideal, as is sport.
Sport stars want to be bigger muscles. Night time ‘Infomercials’ promote another way to more efficiently shape those not too perfect abs!
I read of sumo wrestlers are experiencing injuries because their skeletons are strained even more than would be had they retained their traditional diets. Footballers of all codes want stronger, bigger physiques.
On it goes.
It is not a new phenomenon. The ancient Greeks believed the Gods came to earth even seducing young woman producing the heroes of legend. Physical perfection was seen as a divine attribute to which all should aspire. Much like many a western celebrity today it was desirable to flaunt ones physicality.
Fashion dictates diet and diet effects health. Our diet affects our farming practices and that effects the environment that affects us in turn like a giant spiral.
Nutrtionist Rena Shukla wrote:
“Biologically, when we eat a meal. Until recently, scientists thought food had basically one job: it was metabolised to provide energy for the cell. Indeed, that is what happens to most dietary chemicals - but not all. Some don't get metabolised at all; instead, the moment they're ingested, they become ligands - molecules that bind to proteins involved in "turning on" certain genes. A diet that's particularly out of balance, scientists say, will cause gene expressions that nudge us toward chronic illness unless a precisely-tailored "intelligent diet" is employed to restore the equilibrium.” Daily Diet 26 June 2008
So diet can affect our genetic code, yet we often choose what went in our mouths only because of an advertisement motivated by someone’s need for a better share price.
Now everyone should be wealthy. But what is wealth? I want money but not billions of dollars gained at the expense of my health leaving me laying attached to life support. Wealth includes the wealth of happiness, friendship, love and heath. It transcends the value of the dollar.
Historically, when nations think they missed out because of the past they often rush into repeating the errors that former masters made to regain their rights. I hope that we can help other emerging nations develop the needed prosperity without the soul destroying and nature degrading methods that were previously used by many in the West.
Wealth is more than money. We know that in our heads but in practice do we follow it?
Consider the association of wealth with fancy eating and convenience. To many it is fashionable for wealth to be associated with a western diet. Japanese youth now eat foods that are now draining the ability of a once brilliant health care system. Australian Cardiologist Ross Walker claimed that 100% of what he called ‘black’ races, African and Pacific Islanders etc, were naturally Insulin Resistant. Although this figure may be disputed ‘Insulin resistance in diabetes mellitus type 2 (DM2) can result from membrane lipid alterations’. A study found the ‘plasma membrane of whites showed higher PE and lower PC levels than that in blacks.’ They concluded ‘The combination of increased saturated/polyunsaturated fatty acids, increased saturated nature, and increased cholesterol/phospholipid can contribute to decreased membrane fluidity, resulting in insulin resistance.’ In other words that diet was bad enough but some races are less tolerant to it than others. (For a concise summary of the statistics )
Meat consumption is also often associated with opulence and societies that were once eaters off little meat now desire it. It takes more land to feed a population of meet consumers than does the production of vegetation. So the environment is changing because of our changing desires.
Again, our thinking influences the world.
All the above illustrates the power of group consciousness to alter the environment of our lives.
There is an inherent problem with this phenomenon.
The neme, the inherent spread and mutation of ideas.
Nobel lauriet Alexander Solzhenitsyn speaking at Harvard University on 8 June 1978 stated “Hastiness and superficiality are the psychic disease of the 20th century”. I suggest that in the 21st century with the added speed of the internet Solzhenitsyn’s words remain true.
“Because instant and credible information has to be given, it becomes necessary to resort to guesswork, rumors, and suppositions to fill in the voids, and none and none of them will ever be rectified; they will stay on in the readers' memories” said Solzhenitsyn.

Solzhenitsyn had experienced both the press freedom of the west and its restriction in Soviet Russia argued that while dictatorships overtly restrict the press, Western media developed a form of self censorship that restricted the transfer of learned information.

“It is a fashion; there are generally accepted patterns of judgment; there may be
common corporate interests, the sum effect being not competition but unification. Enormous freedom exists for the press, but not for the readership because newspaper[s] mostly develop stress and emphasis to those opinions which do not too openly contradict their own and the general trend” he said.

Sadly the reason the neme complex of misinformation succeeds is that over the centuries these patterns of thought have ‘evolved’ that ‘press the right buttons of our psyche‘.
Historically change often occurred when the ‘moral’ course was the economically or politically prefered option for someone.
The British and later US antislave movements come to mind – or the slow unwinding of the colonial system.
So how do we regain control of our mind? How do we take charge of our own world?
We first need a reason.
"He who has a why for life can put with any how" said Frederick Nietzsche
Consider the example of holocaust survivor Victor Frankl. Even in the degradation and abject misery of a concentration camp, Frankl was able to exercise the the freedom to determine his own attitude and spiritual well-being. No sadistic Nazi SS guard was able to take that away from him or control the inner-life of Frankl's soul. Frankl clearly saw that it was those who had nothing to live for who died quickest in the concentration camp.
“Life holds a potential meaning under any conditions, even the most miserable ones” wrote Frankl who often thought of his wife in those difficult times.
“The salvation of man is through love and in love. I understood how a man who has nothing left in this world may still know bliss, be it only for a brief moment, in the contemplation of his beloved. In a position of utter desolation, when a man cannot express himself in positive action, when his only achievement may consist in enduring his sufferings in the right way--an honourable way--in such a position man can, through loving contemplation of the image he carries of his beloved, achieve fulfilment.”
Those who had reason to live survived he observed.
What is your reason?
“Do what you love and you will never have to do a day of work in your life” said Confucious.
Borrowing John F Kennedy’s words “Ask not what the world can do for me, but ehat I can do for the world.”
In spirit I agree with this. What the world needs however is sometimes in question.
Harold Thurman Whitman looked at it a little differently when he said:
“Don't ask yourself what the world needs; ask yourself what makes you come alive. And then go and do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”
Knowing what you can give allows you to give of your best to the world and tailor your gifts as the world reveals its needs to you.
Living in that state of joy, the state of your inner spirit thriving and growing we aopen ourselves to the rewards of positive existence.
Thoughts are things. We must remember that to allow our thoughts influence the world.
There are many wonderful tools to reveal our inner spirit. I like ‘Mindmovies’ at the moment.
Norman Vincent Peale encouraged reflective meditation. A state of mental calm. Being able to relax so that the brain can open to new possibilities. To see the world afresh.
EFT and Sedona recognise that for a large number positive thinking doesn’t work. Its impossible to monitor all our thoughts.
So EFT and Sedona help release hidden stresses thaat get in the way of our natural and inherent ability to attract inner peace, calm and prosperity.
It is in this state of calm I believe I have experienced the disolution of expected conflict and yes feeding the magpies. Due to as computer glitch lets just say it is now later than when i began narrating my magpie novella but an odd thing happened only hours ago.
I was sitting at Redcliffe (Queensland) infront of Santoshi’s, my favourite supplier of all my spices and curries, having missed the bus. I was totally relaxed missing the bus could have been quiet frustrating but whats the point?
As I sat a limping magpie hopped up on the chair opposite me, less than 45centimetres (18 inches) away. He looked at me quizickly rocking hissideways as we retained eye contact for quiet some minutes.
People walked past, the bird moved away and then he returned when they had left. In the last 2 weeks i have had a 4 magpies come down to me calling out, in the words of Denis glover, the refrain ‘Quardle oodle ardle wardle doodle'.
Was it that the magpie wanted a free feed? Or was itr sensing the return of my inner calm?
Check out the Empowered Millionaire Institute Now!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

A Musical Model of Success

One of my favourite performers of all time was the cellist Jacqueline DuPre. According to recording technician Suvi Raj Grubb, Jacqueline was "adored" by fellow performers and recording technicians as "the ideal recording artist, undemanding of other peoples problems and no outbursts of what is called 'temperament'". Technicians would jump to her aid before she even asked. "In the world of music" wrote Grubb, "it is rare for someone to be so universally liked and admired." “
In 1967 she married pianist Daniel Barenboim. TIME magazine wrote, "Thus began one of the most remarkable relationships, personal as well as professional, that music has known since the days of Clara and Robert Schumann." Their marriage led to some fruitful collaboration, evidenced in many recordings with Barenboim as pianist or conductor. Some of the greatest recordings ever made of Beethoven’s Piano Trio's are with her husband.
Then an inexplicable tingling affected her fingers and a 'general malaise' drained her energy. No one could explain it. Concerts and recording projects had to be cancelled.
For six months DuPre had not even touched her Cello and then Producer Suji Rav Grubb received a call from Barenboim in early December 1971. DuPre suddenly wanted to play and so Barenboim asked if studio one at Abbey Road was available on December 10 and 11. She then picked up her Cello and played as if there had been "no interval since she last played". After playing Cello sonatas of Chopin and Frank, arrangements were made to record these works and time was assigned over the next two days. They were recorded "superbly as always" (Grubb).
She then decided to record Beethoven’s sonatas. Grubb and Barenboim had noted her fatigue and looked concerned. The sonata Op. 5, No. 1 was recorded.
"At the end of it she placed her cello back in its case with: 'That is that', and did not even want to listen to what we had taped." She never appeared in a recording studio again. It seems to me, a complete and inner tranquility allowing her acceptance of the end of her short 6-year career of "spontaneous, unaffected, joyous music making" (Grubb).
Later, in 1973 her condition was officially diagnosed as Multiple sclerosis.
What Jacqueline DuPre so special? How does this relate to the pursuit of success?

So her talent and her physical strength combined synergistically.
Obviously, DuPre had talent – and lots of it, she had an instinctive feel for the emotional content of the music she played.
Her tall well-built physique made possible the strength to coax the most gentle, sonorous and delicate shades and tones. Suvi Raj Grubb wrote “ones immediate impression was that the cello was an extension of herself.”

Dupre was a team player and her inner tranquility seemed to draw people to her and inspire creativity
DuPre was an unselfish player, in no way the sophisticate artiste. In small chamber ensembles she exchanged encouragement. As I wrote above she was a delight in the recording studio as well.
People wanted to work with her.
No doubt that brought out the best in her music and in the studios technical excellence.

Perhaps most of all, she loved her music.
Suvi Raj Grubb visited her and Daniel Barenboim’s home yet never found her practicing scales.
She was playing music, with all its passion and skill. Grubb was unable to explain how she could then be a master performer.

सो I look at these 3 points:

How can I combine your great talents and the gifts God has given me?
Do an honest inventory; look at the many gifts so readily overlooked.
I’m only a pensioner, or someone else, I'm only a housewife.

Wallace Wattles in The Science of Getting Rich points out that tack of resources is never the reason a person does not succeed.
Anyone familiar with the success movement from Wattles’ time will constantly be reminded that thoughts are things.
So what are your gifts? Do you know? Are you stuck after the first few (Don’t worry been there myself).
If we begin our day listing reasons for gratitude in our life suddenly our list of perceived assets seems to grow.
Our viewpoint on who we are and what we can achieve will also expand.

Are You A Team Player? Are You at Peace?
The most successful people are at peace with themselves. Being at peace with themselves draws the people you need to you.
Thoughts are things.
Angry thoughts draw angry people. Loving thoughts, loving people.
A tranquil soul can gently caress the inner harmony within.

Finally, are you in love with your purpose? What is your passion?
Feed it, thrive on it, let the spontaneous creativity within you grow. Take every opportunity to live and share it.
Do you know what it is? As you daily review the many reasons of gratitude in your life perhaps a common theme will reveal the secret yearnings of your heart.
Recently I found an old dream list and could not help notice how similar it was to one only written out a few weeks ago.

So there are my thoughts - thoughts of a musical model of success.
She is perhaps also a model of achievement in many other areas of life.