Monday, June 8, 2009

Effective Exercise - Course In Mastery Day 16

How can I stay motivated to stick to a workout? What will propel me to push myself to peak efficiency in a workout?
Darren Hardy doesn get excited by the gym - but he hates the feeling of being physicaly sluggish.

The secret of successful achievement is consistency. Lack of consistency is the subtle, but greatest stealer of progress in any pursuit.

Just like drawing water from a well is hard work at first with little result, once the water flows you can slow down yoour rate of pumping as long as you are consistent.
Exercise is the same.
However effective exercise requires the ability to make a decision and stick to it. It is in thiose moments when we don't want to workout but do anyway that we experience the euphoria of achievement.

To make progress Darren Hardy recommends:
  • Set Goals - challenge your mind and body forward.
  • Announce Your Goals - Be accountable to (supportive) friends
  • Do Exercise you like - Have fun raing your heart rate and moving
  • Reward Achievement - Reward yourself for reaching a target weight or working 6 days in a row. Arnold Schwarzenegger had a cheats day - after six solid days he allowed himself to eat anything he wanted on day seven.

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