Monday, June 15, 2009

An Attitude of Gratitude: Course in Mastery Day 21

Success requires hard work and disciple. True success and happiness comes when you give attention to gratitude and giving back.
Gratitude is not just saying thank you - it is opening our heart, feeling for other people and recognizing the good in your life.

"What can I do this week to make someone else's life better?"

Performance strategist John Alston points out that to navigate the storms of life we need a rudder and a compass.
Our rudder is is our ability to chose. We are free to chose, but not free to ignore the consequences.
The Compass is five things:
1. Life is a gift - so dont trash it.
2. Your greatest gift is your mind - use and develop it.
3. Our Goal is to fully develop our talents and give back to others.
4. Be the best human being you can be
5. There is no guarantee on time - Use the time you have to care, encourage and love each other.

"The magic is knowing you are not put here to fail anf that you have everything you need to make it happen."

Mind Power Masters

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