An India loving Aussie, split between two continents who attempts to see both sides of the social, political, and esoteric arguments.
Positive thinking may not work - but positive thinkers achieve more - and I firmly believe that in every diaster there is an equal good, and even the reverse is true. Power is found in seeing the balance that makes a united whole.
Tom Wood explains the 4 tep system that took him from $70,000 in debt to millionairre. 1. Finanial Management is a Discipline - If you dont stay on top of your finances everyday the will begin to stink.
2. Money is a Symbol Money is a symbol for the value you have created in the market place. If you appreciate this you will value the good it can do for yourself and others.
3. Pay yourself first We may not like it but we pay or utilities before we go to on a holiday. Tom Wood explains we need to put aside money ointo our bank either to reduce our debt or add to our wealth before we spend on luxuries.
4. study and Master Money - Daily learn something new, keep abreat of the financial world. What you think about becomes your reality.
CPA Sandy Botkin, autor of Lower Your Taxes - Big Time! 2009-2010 Edition (Lower Your Taxes Big Time), explains the tax advantages of having a small busness. There are two sets of tax laws, laws for employers and wage earners. Sandy Botkin explains visually, in most countries wage earners cam declare very few deductions. however, business losses can be claimed against personal income. In the USA, as in many other nations, 70% of employment comes from small businesses hence the tax laws for employers benefit the economy as a whole.
Note: The time display on this video is incorrect and the video appears longer than it really is.
Tom Wood reminds us that public speaking is something we will all have to do. To succeed in public speking we need to create a message that matters.
We need:
1. Content - We must know our subject well 2. Style - How we present ourselves, when we pause, body language, facial expressions, the tone of our voice.
Tom woods simple method is to list the topic in point form and for reach point back it up with a story, a quote, a metaphor or an example.
For style, Tom Wood suggests we tape our presentations ans listen to them afterward. Tom gave 3 practice presentations a day and picked 1 or 2 things to work on each time.
One other very important tool is to watch and listen to people you can learn from. Take what you can use and make it your own. "Speak from a place of integrity" says Tom Wood, "speak what you know and tell your stories."
Ross Shafer then demonstrates that even though master performers like Johnny Carsen were anxious before they went on stage, performance anxiety is mostly invisible. Others want you to succeed and perhaps are glad its you speaking and not them.
To Market Yourself you need to understand and master the power of personal marketing. A good personal image makes a huge difference in whether the message is listened to or ignored.
Consider mother Theresa - her organisation created an image that was backed up by her integrity and passion.
Great leaders market themselves in atleast 4 ways:
1. Know Thyself What do you stand for? What are your passions? What do I believe in? 2. Be Yourself Be true to your values. Peoople may not agree with you, but they will respect you if you are true to your beliefs. 3. Talk favorably about people behind their back 4. Get the word out about your skills Get people to talk about your skills and talk humbly and genuinely about them to others yourself. Remember people hate braggarts.
Business coach Rick Barerra, authoe of Overpromise and Overdeliver: The Secrets of Unshakable Customer Loyalty reminds us that successful businesses think intimately. They 'build branded experiences for smaller groups of customer whose needs are more similar.' They bring the company down to the level of the customer and the employee. Where possible they develop small internal work units and build smaller branches so the customer experiences an intimacy with the company. They see the business through the customers eyes and ensure the staff are extremely well trained and empowered to makedecisions that will benefit the customer. They have suburb recovery systems that guarantee the customers positive experience even in times of service failure. Their brand is associated with memorable rituals and signature moments. - the Harley fanatic with a Harley Davidson tattoo is unlikely to go and switch to a Honda.
"A brand is a guaranteed experience that must be consistently superb" says Rick Barerra. It must have an extremely good offer and a brilliant system behind it so that the superbly trained human customer experience will shine in the good times and be forgiven in times of difficulty.
"Do what you do so well that people will come back to see you again and will bring others with them to see you do it."
- Walt Disney
"Disney is very clear about their brand. They are very clear about who they are. The question you need to think about is 'Who are you?'" says Rick Barerra.
"The creative force in our bodies that enables us to create children in our own image can be redirected inward to create ourselves.We give birth within our minds to 'thought children' of artistic brilliance; we expand our vision of life's possibilities."
Success requires hard work and disciple. True success and happiness comes when you give attention to gratitude and giving back. Gratitude is not just saying thank you - it is opening our heart, feeling for other people and recognizing the good in your life.
"What can I do this week to make someone else's life better?"
Performance strategist John Alston points out that to navigate the storms of life we need a rudder and a compass. Our rudder is is our ability to chose. We are free to chose, but not free to ignore the consequences. The Compass is five things: 1. Life is a gift - so dont trash it. 2. Your greatest gift is your mind - use and develop it. 3. Our Goal is to fully develop our talents and give back to others. 4. Be the best human being you can be 5. There is no guarantee on time - Use the time you have to care, encourage and love each other.
"The magic is knowing you are not put here to fail anf that you have everything you need to make it happen."
So often we fail to appreciate the importance and magnitude of love. By Love, Tom Wood refers to respect, admiration and unconditional acceptance. Yet most of us do not even truly respect and love ourselves, and wonder why we attract people who do not accept us unconditionallu.
Can I accept my own imperfections? If I can't then how will I accept others? Tom Wood asks us to write a detailed description of how we want others to love us: how they would speak, act and feel toward us - and then begin to show that very same type of love to ourselves.
Dr Barbara DeAngelis reminds us to remember that our reaso for existance, our purpose is to love.
"Love is the operative force of the universe" says Dr. DeAngelis, "union is what created everything."
People respond to us when they feel that we have an attitude of love toward them. I may do my job by being harsh anddictatorial, yet without love I am not living my purpose and will be inneffective.
A child learns to walk because it is secure in the love and value of its parents. People need to feel voved and valued to take a chance" said Dr DeAngelis.
She invites us to let go of control and for a week try love and just 'wing it'.
If we learn to connect to people and share love the universe will open up to us.
Finding Balance: To Wood asks us to consider "Am I really free?" Am I trapped in the rat race? "What is the perfect life for you?" He asks us to design our perfect life and to feel what it would be.
Dr. Barbara DeAngelis reminds us that happiness is a skill and not an aquisition. Too often we decide "I'll be happy when ..." and after a few moments of success we again put off happiness as we move the goal posts.
"First I was dying to finish high-school and start college. Then I was dying to finish college and start working. Next, I was dying for my children to grow old enough for school, so I could return to work. Finally, I was dying to retire. And now, I am dying."
Are we so busy we forget to start living? If we do not learn to be happy with the present we will never be happy in the future.
We need to value those Real Moments when we cherish a loving hug,a sunset or smell the roses.
Yet most of us are thinking of our next project at this very moment, or thinking ahead when we should experience total present moment connection with the person we share our life.
People who cannot live in the now are always chasing stimulation to fill the vacuum. Barbara DAngelis encourages us to develop the habit of enjoying the present moment.
Emotional intelligence is the ability to identify our emotions and the motions of others and tow effectively work with them.
"Emotions are the foundation of our success in life" sayd Tom Wood.
Aristotle wrote: "Anybody can become angry, that is easy; but to be angry with the right person, and to the right degree, and at the right time, and for the right purpose, and in the right way, that is not within everybody's power, that is not easy.'
Peak oerformers seek to be in the zone - a state where a person is ina state that supports them.
How do we control our emotions in a world full of cliches?
Tom Wood suggests:
1. Recognise the emotion that is controlling you
2. Ask yourself: "When am I going to let go of this emotion?"
The more we contiously are aware of our experiences the more we can gain efective control. The choice of the word control used by tom Wood perhaps is a bit diffeent to meditative awareness, where one simply recognises an emotion, since to try and control our feelings usually only makes them worse. However, the diescision to identify emtions is universally recognised as having profound influence on our experience.
Dave Carey, a POW in North Vietnam for 5 1/2 years, gives an excelent description of how POW's used a sereptitious method to communicate with others from whom they were isolated.
He speaks of the need t do your best, to grow, to keep the faith andto keep a sense of humour.
his example shows that even in hardship we have more control of our circumstances than we often recognise.
Psychologist have shown that self esteem is the most significant facor in success, and the main factor in having self esteem is taking responsibility. What do I currently do well? Self esteem comes from accomplishment and not come from praise, Valeing our little accomplishments encourages us to look for more to achieve and to grown in our achievements.
"Performance is a reflection of value, not a measure of it" Denis Whaitley
Many people think they have to achieve something great before they can value themselves. However, achievers hanf on to a dream and believe they are worthy of success before they win big. Some authority figure, an expert, a valued friend, has seen something great in them before they could see it themselves. Once encouraged a champion builds on that to become more.
"I'm as good as te best and no better than the rest" said Dennis whaitley.
champions have apositive self talk, a diamond in their mind.
"When you have self esteem you can afford to be modest... Self esteem is in the core, not in the skin deep" Dennis Whaitley.
Psychologist have shown that self esteem is the most significant facor in success, and the main factor in having self esteem is taking responsibility. what do I currently do well? Self esteem comes from accomplishment and not come from praise,
"Performance is a relection of value, not a measure of it"
- Dr. Denis Whaitley
Many people think they have to achieve something great before they can value themselves. However, achievers hanf on to a dream and believe they are worthy of success before they win big. Some authority figure, an expert, a valued friend, has seen something great in them before they could see it themselves.
"I'm as good as te best and no better than the rest" said Dennis Whaitley. champions have apositive self talk, a diamond in their mind.
"When you have self esteem you can afford to be modest...
How can I stay motivated to stick to a workout? What will propel me to push myself to peak efficiency in a workout?
Darren Hardy doesn get excited by the gym - but he hates the feeling of being physicaly sluggish.
The secret of successful achievement is consistency. Lack of consistency is the subtle, but greatest stealer of progress in any pursuit.
Just like drawing water from a well is hard work at first with little result, once the water flows you can slow down yoour rate of pumping as long as you are consistent.
Exercise is the same.
However effective exercise requires the ability to make a decision and stick to it. It is in thiose moments when we don't want to workout but do anyway that we experience the euphoria of achievement.
To make progress Darren Hardy recommends:
Set Goals - challenge your mind and body forward.
Announce Your Goals - Be accountable to (supportive) friends
Do Exercise you like - Have fun raing your heart rate and moving
Reward Achievement - Reward yourself for reaching a target weight or working 6 days in a row. Arnold Schwarzenegger had a cheats day - after six solid days he allowed himself to eat anything he wanted on day seven.
Well for reasons unexplained Day 14 of the course in mastery has been removed from The Course In Mastery Archive.
So lets enjoy Les Brown ask the question 'Why do people do things?'
Because it's Its worth it!
What makes it worth it? Your passion. do what you are suppose to do. You have to be willing to fail and wiling to succeed. If you are doing what you are meant to do itsworth it.
We all would love to know what other people are thinking and tom wood gives us three ways to pick up some very handy clues.
The Eyes: Are they looking up? Their thinking visually, talk to them with visual words ( I see what you mean). Sideways? Their thinking in sounds (audibly). Looking down? Their thinking emotionally - use emotional and tactile expressions.
The Hips: Hips show confidence. It is how our hips are positioned that roll our shoulders back or down - and people may fake confidence by holding their shoulders back.
The Skin: Indicates boundaries. If our emotional boundaries are crossed we tend to itch or scratch ours skin. A good leader sees that backs off and builds rapport before.
Tony Alessandra develops the Platinum Rule,"Treat others as they want to be treated".
"Listen to what people say and how they say iot and they will show you how to treat them."
People may not tell you how to treat them but they will show you by what they say and how they say it in 3 ways:
Ask yourself is the person more open or closed (self contained), versus direct or indirect. Those two dimensions give us four general personality types described by various authors right basck to the ancient Greeks! (eg choleric, sanguin, phlegmatic, malencholic).
Self Contained People: Guard their emotions, are hard to read, have a steady voice, show little emotion. They base decisions on facts and logic. They are taslk oriented and dont like chit-chat.
Open People: Open people let their feelings hang out, they are relationship oriented, digress from the point, are not time conscious and decide emotionaly.
Indirect People: Indirect people are slow paced, cautious, patient, desire to be right and fear being wrong, ask for permission, are quality conscious.
Direct People: to the point, desire to accomplish, quantity over quality, near enough is good enough, they see gray areas as a window of opportunity and go for it, rather than check if its OK. They follow the spirit, rather than the letter of the law, according to their interpretation.
Tom Wood reveals how he doubled his income in an hour using negotiation and negotiation expert Roger Dawson reveals the secrets used by Ambassadors and crisis managers.
According to Tom wood there are two things you must remember in negotiation: 1. People give concessions to people they like. A person is more likely to walk away based on their emotion if in a confrontational negotiation. 2. You must be able to walk away from the deal. This gives you a great negotiation advantage.
Make sure everyomne gets something from the deal. Make it win-win.
Roger Dawson points out that the second of three elements in successful negotition is the skilfull use of time pressure. 80% of the concessions will be made in the last 20% of the time available.
Always be sure your time frame is open ended. If it is not do not reveal it to the other parties. If you can sense the other side has a deadline you can exploit this by keeping up the pressure.
The side with the most power can use time pressure. Power is measured by the number of options available. The side with the fewer options should avoid using it.
Unless you are certain of your position it is best to assume a weaker position or, better still, manouver your circimstances so that you do not face time pressure or have an advantage.
The longer a negotiation goes the more people will concede. This can be a two edged sword. As time wears on people are more likely to allow their unconscious mindto convince them they have invested too much time to walk away. If you need to you must be prepared to walk away while using time pressure to get the other party to concede.