Saturday, May 23, 2009

Taking Action - A course In Mastery Day 7

Personal power is the ability to take action." - Anthony Robbins

How can we get ourselves to act? It is action, or innaction, that will determine our results.

Plan, do and review - The cycle of Successful Action.

Do you procrastinate? join the club - well perhaps not. DO SOMETHING. The simple act of starting to do something allows us to measure our results and often inspires alternative approaches.

The bigger believable reason we have to do something the more compelled we are to act.
"All you can do is all you can do, is all you can do and all you can do is enough.'

Also there is excellent information on the importance of avoiding all or nothing thinking in relationships. Its the trap that many a well meaning man falls into and wonders why his lover is a tad disatisfied.

The transformational question "Sweetheart, how can I love you more?" feeds a womans heart and soul. We all crave Attention, Affection and Appreciation. As Barbara De Angela's says 'For a woman words are foreplay' whilst so many guys are planning that big trip that they know their girl wants not realising that simply sharing a small act of love now will make everything worthwhile.

Mind Power Masters

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