Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Are You Prepared

According to the Law of Attraction we are part of the single universal force that holds the universe together. Whether it is because of subatomic resonance or simply the idea that thoughts are things our entire life is said to be a product of our thoughts and feelings. We are what we think about, or more precisely the feelings generated by our thoughts.

Then why does living a life that attracts wealth seem so foreign to most of us? Why does it seem so hard?

Some of us are about to begin a journey – another challenge to enhance our lives – but why take training if greatness is already part of us?

We have lost our sensitivity to listen to our hearts.

We live in a world where everything is measured outside of ourselves. Many of these values are important and worthy because of the potential to achieve that they represent. Yet everything about us draws our attention to the external world.

However, t he Law of Attraction reminds us that the outer world is a reflection of the inner world.

It requires us to feed our inner being and to recognise the richness within.

All major religions teach we are made in the image of God. The divine therefore has the potential to be reflected through man. The problem is in us. A mirror is designed to shine and must be clear of all dirt and obstruction.

Sadly, we have done a good job of covering up our spark of divinity.

We have done a brilliant job of covering up our hearts most secret yearnings.

There is always another thing to do, another responsibility to fulfil and our inner world, the seed of our greatness, and who we are truly, is pushed aside.

We have our outer responsibilities which must not be ignored and we also have a responsibility to our inner world.

How can that seed of potential be encouraged to grow?

To grow a good crop of seeds more than hope is required. Even if the weather, rain and seasons were right good success depends on preparation.

A seed thrown on hard uncultivated ground, or a seed amidst weeds or just out of the way gobbled up by passing birds has little chance.

Do we listen to the leadings of our heart? Or are we to busy, running over the soil of our heart, crushing down our desires underfoot packing them down hard never allowed to be expressed. Are we always pushing our hearts aside, never allowing time to reflect on our desires and let them take root in our soul before the dry heat of life's dramas shrivel them from our soul ?

Do we live in a world of distractions, each little anxiety and pressure, choking out our desires before they mature, like weeds choking out the seeds of a valuable crop?

Or do we simply ignore our desires and simply let someone take away the seeds of our hope as does a bird take seeds laying on the ground?

We need to dig away all the obstacles we have layered on our hearts to see the valuable gem within.

If we are to succeed in drawing success to ourselves then the seed of desire must be planted deep in our hearts, ploughed cultivated, watered and fertilized like a well prepared crop.


It is easy to become discouraged and to view ourselves as too insignificant.

'How important am I anyway?' you may ask.

At the Oxonian Institute, on May 11, 2007, writer Deepak Chopra related how he and his brother travelled to India to cremate their father. In The ashes were taken to the Ganges at Rishikesh where the Chopra's had their fathers details recorded. The dates of their grandparents, great grandparents, and great-great-grandparents were recorded.

Deepak asked how far back did the family records go?

"How far back do you want to go?" asked the priest. "This place has been keeping records since 323 BCE when Alexander the Great invaded India."

This caused Deepak Chopra to ask himself about all the tens of millions of people required for his birth to occur. You have 2 parents, 4 grandparents, 8 Great grandparents, 16 Great Great Grand-parents and if any one of those people were missing in the chain – if any one of them had not been in an amorous mood at a precise time he would not exist.

Think. Compared to the universe we are but a speck of dust on a speck of dust that rotates around a slightly bigger speck of dust in a giant dust bowl.

It is east to feel dwarfed.

Yet oh what a magnificent speck of dust! An infinite number of events have made your life possible. I believe this is far more than random coincidence.

We are a speck of dust that experiences the union of the finite and the infinite all at once, a speck of dust that can appreciate the finite world and be open to the divine intelligence that moves this universe.

We have the ability to appreciate beyond what is. We have a remarkable gift called consciousness. Either this spark of divinity within us is simply a by product of the brains chemical activity – an epi-phenomenon, or we are influenced by the divine. How you describe that divine intelligence I leave to your belief system. You may disagree and I respect your opinion.

Now, even science is coming around, as only one of the 12 schools of thought that describe mans proposed evolution view it as an entirely random phenomenon.

Do we truly appreciate how great a gift we have been given?

With all the things that must have occurred for us to be alive - with all the things that have occurred to grant us consciousness we have so much to be grateful for.

That gratitude can propel us to want to appreciate every second of our existence.

Do we take every opportunity to enhance and empower our lives and to learn both what it is we truly desire and what skills and tools can enhance our pursuit of an Empowered life style.

One of the biggest problems in achieving our goals is knowing on what to set our aspirations.

To know our vision we must take a very personal journey that no one else can take for us. The journey into our soul.

This is why the great writers of the past constantly emphasize the need of silence – stilling the self talk. If your religion discourages meditation then quietly reflect on a scene from a scene consistent with your views. I like a scene that reminds me of the 23rd Psalm of sheep as I remember them in my Tasmanian childhood.
Once we understand what it is that we so hungrily desire within then looking for a means to manifest it is more readily achieved.
A few months back I attended an arts awards night. The judge spoke highly of the artistic skill of the entrants but made an interesting observation. She encouraged the artists to spend far more time working within and finding what was the message they wanted their work to convey. An Empowered, meaningful Life is far more than the skilful use of techniques. We must have a vision to people us forward otherwise we will not fully use all; the gifts available to us.
Our vision gives us a reason to strive, to overcome obstacles and allows us the satisfaction to look back over our life with a sense of deep satisfaction.
At the end of your days what will be the message people will write as your epitaph? If you can write it now what would you want people to remember? What is it that is truly you? What is it that is to be your destiny?
Check out the Empowered Millionaire Institute Now!

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