Friday, August 29, 2008

Look For the Blessing

I was once at an art gallery function amidst a well-dressed crowd and a young boy told me off for looking like 'a dag'. OK he lacked manners, was in bare feet, had been told to go home and get shoes and he just ordered his sister home to get them for him. Yet perhaps he had a point.
I was at the art gallery so I did not have to cook a meal. As it was my pantry was emptying and free food was a good incentive.
It was a time when eating was a challenge. I even did volunteer work so that, secretly, I could be fed by overeating on morning tea.
Every bit helped.
A community group supplied breakfasts 3 times a week, but that was a walk, both ways of 14 kilometres.
I had poor health and the cost of a bus ticket might have bought a few vege's.

That night, at the gallery, I was clean but yes 'daggy', and unbeknown to me at the time there was a hole in the elbow of the outer jacket of 3 layers of old clothes I was wearing.

I was aware of the law of attraction, at least in my head. I knew about it - but never seemed to make it work.

Besides, that kid did have a point.
Suddenly it hit me: I looked poor, I attracted poor.
I was in no way offended and wondered if perhaps my public appearance attracts negativity.

So I hunted all the second hand stores and discovered some wonderful better fitting jeans and two jumpers for a total of $26 (AUD). All were surprisingly good quality. As I had lost 10cm around my waist I no longer look like I am swimming in a tent.
To pay for that $26 the something else had to give, but I felt richer.
I looked richer and somehow that other ‘something’ was cared for.

I began planning the inside of my house. I found a few wooden carved items of furniture which I can only best describe, rather badly, as having a peaceful Asian feel (bad description I know) that will harmonise the hall way and guess what? They’re surprisingly inexpensive!

I had never even looked before - I "knew" I could never afford it.

Suddenly I opened my eyes to other opportunities.

Now I seem to be walking into unknown, unadvertised sales.

I also concluded that many of my 'arty' friends were retired and satisfied in their life but I needed to go a further step.

To expand the creative flow in my life I chose to attract inspirational people and ideas in my life and in turn working with others in their ideas.
It was time, it is time, to live life like an experiment – to enjoy the ride, and if the experiment fails, so what, I’m no worse off.
True, self discipline is required in doing something each day.

Suddenly, I am offered international business connections.

Me? Wow.

I began the process of learning how to think successfully. Success began to follow.

In his book, I Seem To Be a Verb, Buckminster Fuller wrote: "I live on Earth at present, and I don’t know what I am. I know that I am not a category. I am not a thing — a noun. I seem to be a verb, an evolutionary process – an integral function of the universe."

As a verb on the run, I now have a lot of fun – unlike the stationary noun.

I enjoy the ride.

It was only when I looked that I saw where the blessings lay. The blessings were already there.
When I looked the floodgates opened.

Life is for the living - enjoy the blessing,


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